At Holy Cross we are committed to the safety and well being of our students, faculty and guests. HCCMAT takes public safety very seriously and is committed to ensuring a safe environment for everyone on all of its campuses. The HCCMAT Security operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide the community on all campus with a full range of services.
Each hostel maintains fully staffed officers or wardens and emergency contact information. While the wardens and the local administrators all follow policies and procedures, administrative practices, and emergency operational plans established for the entire college.
HCC works with neighboring police departments, local governments, Hospitals and doctors in case of any emergency or disaster. HCC continuously reviews and updates its emergency operational plans. The College emergency notification system uses many different and overlapping mechanisms to provide time-critical information to its community, as no single mechanism is sufficient to provide blanket notification. Methods include email, website announcements, TV, radio, and text messaging to cell phones, bulletin boards or news paper